Convention Reports 

District Almoner - PDG Ron Twining

Lions passing to High Service in Lions District 105SC March 2022/2023


Alan Southam - Wareham Lions Club - 6th April

Christine Adam - Henley on Thames Lions Club - 8th May

David Fowler MJF - Loddon Valley Lions Club - 23rd June

PCC David Hitchins MJF - Reading Lions Club - 31st July

Nigel Ricketts - Westbury Lions Club - 12th September

Tony Lomax - Woodley & Earley Club - 19th September

Christian Penny MJF - Bradford-on-Avon Club - 28th September

Barrington Burdett - New Milton Lions Club - 29th October

Nicholas Branch - Alton Lions Club - 29th October

PID Kenneth Persson MJF - Reng Hollviken Lions Club - 1st November

Colin Smith - Jersey Lions Club - 1st November

Maurice Watson MJF - Swindon Lions Club - 17th November

Jennifer Thorn - Hayling Island Lions Club - 24th November

James McGregor - Helen Keller Internet Lions Club - 1st December

Paul Hallet - Trowbridge Lions Club - 25th December 


Denis Pierce - IoW Newport Lions Club - 19th January

Anne Lippitt - Wimborne & Ferndown Lions Club - 13th February

George Johns - Basingstoke Lions Club - 20th February

Rod Duckett - Devizes Lions Club - 27th February

George Johns - Basingstoke Lions Club - 

DG Team

DG Dave Ebsworth

Firstly. I want to say it was a huge honour to be voted your District Governor and as I promised to serve to the best of my ability and I hope I am.

Unfortunately, the year started off with Covid still hindering the work of our Lions clubs, but I was pleased to see that clubs were continuing to get out into our communities and supporting them in many different ways.

Membership has been an issue for us for just prior to covid and that has not helped. At the end of Immediate Past District Governor Brian's year we lost two clubs 40 members, most left the organisation but a few transferred to a Club in District A, This meant we started the new year at 1100 and as I write this report we are 1098,  Our membership goal was to end the year 60 new members up  which we reviewed and reduced this to plus 30.  I am hoping with 5 months to go and listening to the positive vibes coming from clubs this I believe is achievable.  I had the pleasure of badging up a new member only this Tuesday.  We are slowly bringing in the new GMA Approach (Global Membership Approach) which following the pilot in District A which did help them with numbers and rejuvenating clubs.

Leadership, we have held at the beginning of the year an evening for Lions who were considering going for the role of District Governor followed by a winter forum which was well attended. We are going to run another one in April in Portsmouth at the Convention hotel.  This year we have two candidates running for the post of 2nd VDG and lets hope we continue to have Lions coming forward.  We have promoted the ALLI, RLLI and the Symposium and I am pleased to say we were represented at them all.

Reporting has also been a big issue within all districts , I am pleased to say that we have been creeping up slowly and following the forum we noticed a jump and this is continuing, thank you please keep it going.  I was asked why we need to do it, The reason is to help all of us see from the International President down to Zone chairs and President to be able to see how we are serving. I check prior to all my visit's and I know David and Sarah do to.

Lets set our own goal to have 80% of clubs reporting.

LCIF, I have been so impressed with the continuing support and the response to the request we have had for the disasters we have had in the world the Pakistan floods and Ukraine just to mention two, and I know we will continue to support.  I would like to mention our own MD foundation who matched funded Jersey Club following the two incidents the fishing boat sinking with loss of life and the collapse of the flats also with loss of life.

I would like to finish and say Thank You to all Club members for all the work you do within the communities and fund raising, and to my District officers for their hard work.


1VDG David Taylor

In addition to Cabinet meetings and the District Forum, I have visited fourteen clubs this year, attended 8 Charters, 3 Council Meetings, 4 District Governor Training Sessions, the Young Ambassador Finals and spent a week with over 600 1st Vice Governors from 200 countries in Chicago.

In many other countries in Europe and the States in the USA membership and retention is a common concern.

The new Council of Governors for 2023/2024 have gelled really nicely and I look forward to spending more time in their company.  We have elected David Pope to be the incoming Council Chair after an extremely difficult decision to choose from 3 excellent applicants.

I have tried my best to support DG Dave Ebsworth whenever possible and, after stating that there were many suitable candidates for DG at last year's Convention, I am pleased to see that we have two excellent applications this year.

2VDG Sandra Manktelow

I have visited fifteen clubs this year and have received a warm welcome from all. It has been good to learn about what they do and issues they are facing – the common theme being that of membership and recruitment. To reach more clubs I have also attended several charter events and shared in their celebrations.  

In June I travelled to Brussels and attended the ALLI course. The group I was in had Lions from Greece, the Netherlands and Ireland and we pooled our skills and knowledge during the three days.  The course was interesting, and I learnt a great deal about myself, my fellow Lions and the organisation.

MyLion Learn has been put to good use and I have completed many courses that don't take a lot of time but have helped with my development.

Multiple District training for 2nd VDGs has been intense and I have begun to form strong friendships and a support network with the other 2nd VDGs.  We all have different strengths and have shared our expertise with each other.

I have attended many zoom meetings with the DG team as well as ensuring I am available for cabinet meetings. As well as listening I have also been proactive in offering suggestions. 

IPDG Brian Donovan

Decisions Required of Cabinet:  None

Justification for Decisions: None

Objectives for the Year:

To Chair the Finance Committee, to organise a Finance Committee meeting at least two weeks before the October, January, March and May Cabinet meetings.

To assist the GLT lead and DG in supporting and developing the Zone Chairs.

To aid and support to the DG and the District Goals

Progress against Objectives:

Zone Chairs: Currently planning the next Zone Chairs meeting.

There is a pressing issue relating to spectacle recycling that needs to be on the Agenda of each meeting the Zone chairs have with their Zone Clubs.:

The next meeting is to be scheduled.

Finance Committee: Due to availability we were unable to have the February meeting.  

Future Finance Committee date is:

  • Thursday 20 April 2023

District Admin Team

Constitution, nominations and resolutions, PDG John Goodchild




1. Progress since last Convention of 105SC:

1.1. The Call for Convention was circulated to all Clubs on time, together with a call for nominations and resolutions.

1.2. At the close of the period for receipt by me of nominations, resolutions and invitations to be considered at the District Convention in March 2023, I can report that:

  • One nomination had been received for the post of DG, 105SC, 2023-2024, that being for Lion David Taylor, Lions Club of Gillingham, Mere and Shaftsbury, the only qualified candidate.
  • One nomination had been received for the post of First VDG, 105SC, 2023-2024, that being for Lion Sandra Manktelow, Lions Club of Petersfield, the only qualified candidate.
  • Two nominations had been received for the post of Second VDG, 105SC, 2023-2024, those being for Lion Tim Hanton, Lions Club of Wokingham and Lion Dianne Hopkins, Lions Club of Basingstoke.
  • The above nominations are all valid and comply with LCI requirements.
  • Four resolutions in the name of the District Cabinet, as detailed in the appendix to this report had been received. 
  • Two resolutions from Clubs had been received.
  • These were duly circulated to Clubs and I can report that at the closing date for receipt of amendments to the resolutions, no such amendments were received.
  • No invitations to host Conventions 2024 or 2025 had been received. Invitations from the floor of Convention can therefore be considered.

1.3. It is likely that the proposing Club will seek Convention approval to withdraw Resolution 6. This is because even though it is possible for a resolution to be tabled at MD Convention by a District, it still has to be notified to the MD CNRO by the closing date, in this case, 31st December 2022. Because this date was not met, the earliest the resolution could be considered at MD Convention is May 2024. In these circumstances, the proposing Club feel that there would be a better chance of the resolution succeeding if it were submitted to the 2024 MD Convention in their name and to have it seconded by a Club outside of 105SC.

1.4. The resolutions for debate are attached to this report as Appendix 1, and posted on the Convention Documentation website. The CVs of candidates for the posts of District Governor, First Vice District Governor and Second Vice District Governor for the 2023-2024 Lionistic Year can also be found there, at:, by clicking on the relevant document.

2. Delegate Registration and Check-In

2.1. Following the success of the electronic registration system for delegates and alternates at last year's Convention, the system has been enhanced this year to provide for electronic check-in of the delegates/alternates at Convention. The system has many advantages, including live information on the number of delegates and alternates checked in at Convention at any time.

2.2. The success of this system will be measured during the Convention session. If successful, it will be used at MD Convention. Thanks are due to District Webmaster, Lion Tom and his son Ollie for working this process up.

2.3. One possible improvement to the system, would be to prevent Clubs from registering more delegates than they are entitled to. At present, each registration is checked manually by yours truly, and errant Clubs have to be contacted, having had their registrations cancelled by me!

3. Other Matters

3.1. Throughout the year, I have continued to provide advice to Clubs, Zones, the District Cabinet and its members relating to constitutional matters.


The following resolutions have been received for consideration at Convention 2023.

Resolution 1: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

The District Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2023/24 shall be in the sum of £9.00 per Lion. This shall be payable in two equal instalments - £4.50 per Lion by 1 August 2023 based upon the known membership as at 30 June 2023 and £4.50 per Lion by 1 February 2024 based upon the known membership as at 31 December 2023.

Explanatory note:

Article VIII Section 1 of the By-Laws of the latest issue of the District 105SC Constitution States:

"To provide revenue for approved district projects and to defray the administrative expenses of the district, Cabinet shall table a resolution at every Annual District Convention to set the per capita levy for the following fiscal year.  If such resolution shall fail then the per capita levy for the time being in force shall be continued until changed by resolution.  The administrative subscription shall be levied upon each member of each club in the district and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual payments per club member by July 21st of each year to cover the semi-annual period July 1st to December 31st and per club member on January 21st of each year, to cover the semi-annual period January 1st to June 30th with billings of the same to be based upon the roster of each club as of June 30th and December 31st respectively……  "

Resolution 2: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

Messrs Gilroy & Brookes, Chartered Accountants of Farnham, be sincerely thanked for their services to the District in the past and the same are hereby, re-appointed as Independent Examiner to the District for the forthcoming year.

Explanatory note:

Article IX Section 2 of the By-Laws of the latest issue of the District 105SC Constitution States:

"The District Governor's Cabinet shall provide for an annual or more frequent audit or review of the books and accounts……"

Resolution 3: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

Article VI Section 2 of the District 105SC Constitution be divided into five (5) subsections to read as follows: 


Sub Section (1): The district shall have a district cabinet composed of the district governor, the immediate past district governor, the first and second vice district governors, the region chairpersons (if the position is utilized during the district governor's term), the zone chairpersons, a cabinet secretary-treasurer or a cabinet secretary and a cabinet treasurer, and such other club members as may be included in this section as amended in accordance with the amendment procedures contained herein. 

Sub Section (2): Sub Section (1) of this section above is hereby amended to include such other District Advisors, who shall comply with the requirements of subsection (4) below, as the District Governor believes appropriate for the effective and efficient management of the district.

Subsection (3): In addition, the global membership team district coordinator, global leadership team district coordinator, global service team district coordinator and LCIF district coordinator shall be non-voting members of the district cabinet. 

Sub Section (4): Each such cabinet member shall be a member in good standing of a Lions club in good standing in the district. In the event a Leo or Leo-Lion is appointed to the position of Leo/Leo-Lion cabinet liaison, the position would serve as a non-voting advisor to the cabinet.

Sub Section (5): The cabinet members listed in this section are the minimum cabinet members required. Should the district add additional cabinet members, they may through amendment of this section."

The amendment, is the addition of the wording contained in Subsection (2) above. 

AND in Article VI Section 3, delete the words "and such other club members as may be included in the district cabinet" and insert the words "and such other district advisors as the district governor may wish to be included in the district cabinet to facilitate the effective and efficient management of the district.

So that section 3 reads, 

"Section 3. 

ELECTION/APPOINTMENT OF DISTRICT CABINET.  The district governor and first and second vice district governors shall be elected at the annual convention of the district. 

The district governor shall appoint or the district shall elect by the time he/she takes office, the cabinet secretary-treasurer or a cabinet secretary and a cabinet treasurer, one region chairperson for each region (if the position is utilized during the district governor's term), and one zone chairperson for each zone, in the district, sergeant at arms and such other district advisors as the district governor may wish to be included in the district cabinet to facilitate the effective and efficient management of the district".

Explanatory note:

Section 2 is currently worded as one continuous section. Although this Section  is a mandatory section of the District Constitution (prescribed by LCI) 

(Mandatory sections of the Constitution are highlighted bright blue), 

the last phrase of Subsection (1), as written above permits it to be amended. Successive District Governors have found it difficult to manage their Cabinet with the existing wording and wish to take advantage of the flexibility of that phrase. The splitting of the section into five  subsections, as above, provides the desired flexibility. This amendment in no way changes the mandatory wording of the section. 

The amendment of Section 3 brings this into line with the wording of Section 2 above and is amending the wording of a non-mandatory section of the Constitution. This resolution will require a 2/3 majority of those delegates exercising their right to vote, to be enacted.

Resolution 4: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

Article IX Section 2(b) of the By-laws of the District 105SC Constitution be amended as follows: Delete the word "audited" and insert the word "examination", delete the word "audit" and insert the word "examined", so that the section reads, "A copy of the Financial Statements so examined, together with a copy of the examination report therein, shall be circulated to every Club Secretary by January 31st preceding the forthcoming Convention.


Article IX Section 2(c) be amended by deleting both occurrences of the word "audit" and inserting the word "examination" in both cases, so that the section reads, "The Governor, or Cabinet, may at any time call for an interim examination of the books, records and financial statements of the District together with an examination report thereon". 

Explanatory note:

In the UK, there is no longer a need for the District have it's books audited. This change to the District 105SC Constitution recognises that and brings the Constitution into line with the requirements of English Law. This resolution will require a 2/3 majority of those delegates exercising their right to vote, to be enacted.

Resolution 5: Proposed by the Lions Club of Westbury and Seconded by the Lions Club of Trowbridge.

This Convention resolves that:

District 105SC shall adopt the policy of Lions Clubs International regarding Leo-Lions, that current or former Leos of legal majority (18 years of age) through to age 35, who have served as a Leo for at least one year and one day may continue to serve as a Leo-Lion, thus giving a discount of 50% of District Dues.

Explanatory note:

The Policy of Lions Clubs International (LCI) is that Leo-Lions are entitled to a discount of 50% of their International Dues. If adopted, this resolution will bring the Policy of District 105SC into line with that of LCI. We all wish to see our Association grow, particularly with younger members and this is one way in which we can recognise the contribution of our Leos to our Association. It will also positively encourage them to become Lions, once reaching the age of Legal Majority. While the cost to our District is small, the benefit to our District and our Clubs is far greater. The adoption of this resolution will encourage more Leo-Lions in Campus Clubs who can further encourage their fellow students to become members, by demonstrating that Lions care about the younger generation. To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50% + 1) majority of those delegates who exercise their right to vote.

Resolution 6: Proposed by the Lions Club of Westbury and Seconded by the Lions Club of Trowbridge. 

This Convention resolves that the resolution and associated explanatory note detailed below, be submitted to the upcoming Convention of Multiple District 105 in May 2023 in the name of District 105SC:

"Multiple District 105 shall adopt the policy of Lions Clubs International regarding Leo-Lions, that current or former Leos of legal majority (18 years of age) through to age 35, who have served as a Leo for at least one year and one day may continue to serve as a Leo-Lion, thus giving a discount of 50% of Multiple District Dues. 

Explanatory note:

The Policy of Lions Clubs International (LCI) is that Leo-Lions are entitled to a discount of 50% of their International Dues. If adopted, this resolution will bring the Policy of Multiple District 105 into line with that of LCI. We all wish to see our Association grow, particularly with younger members and this is one way in which we can recognise the contribution of our Leos to our Association. It will also positively encourage them to become Lions, once reaching the age of Legal Majority. While the cost to our Multiple District is small, the benefit to our Multiple District and our Clubs is far greater. The adoption of this resolution will encourage more Leo-Lions in Campus Clubs who can further encourage their fellow students to become members, by demonstrating that Lions care about the younger generation".

To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50% + 1) majority of those delegates who exercise their right to vote.

Note: It is believed that the proposing Club will be requesting Convention's permission to withdraw this resolution.

GDPR - Steve Spencer 

Objectives for the Year:

To advise clubs as necessary, in co-ordination with the MD officer

To continue to encourage clubs to register with the Information Commissioners Office, as required by law.

Progress against Objectives:

There have been few queries from clubs over the year, which I can only hope means things are going well.

I continue, with the MD officer, to encourage clubs to register with the ICO, and hope to get most registered by the end of this Lions year. I have reduced the number of clubs I believe have not registered from 18 clubs to 9 over the past year, and will continue to encourage registration as clubs face a minimum £400 fine if they are found by the ICO not to have registered.

I was not aware that one club had in fact registered, because they did not do so in their own name. I have advised them how to make the change, which is essential as they are not properly registered and could still face a fine.

I understand the District has been advised by the MD officer that they need to register, and I am ready to assist in that if required.  

District Secretary Report – PCC Peter Burnett

As we draw to the final quarter of the Lions year it means that I have now nearly finished my 3rd year as District Secretary, hopefully I am beginning to work out what the role actually is! Thank you, DG Dave, for asking me to remain in post for another year.

Once again, the most important part of my report is to thank Lion Tom Sayers & his partner Juliet Browne for all their help this year. Most Cabinet officers have now got used to sending their reports to the dedicated reports email address from which Tom & Juliet collate them and publish them online for Cabinet. This saves me an awful lot of time sorting and sending reports and put the onus onto the officers to look for the reports rather than have them sent to them.

This year the meetings have been a combination of face to face and zoom & my job as District Secretary taking the minutes has been quite easy. I pride myself on getting the minutes published within 30 minutes of a meeting ending!! I am not promising that this will occur with the Convention minutes as they are a bit more complex, but I would hope that they can be published as soon as DG Dave comes back from his well-deserved post-convention holiday.

Thank you to all of Cabinet for their support and efficient reporting during the year. Likewise thank you to the overwhelming majority of clubs who reported their delegates for both this convention and the MD one on time. Now that we are in the second year of online registration for the convention things seem to have gone much more smoothly this year. Once again, my thanks to Tom and Juliet for all their hard work setting up a fool proof system. In fact the 105SC system initiated last year has now been adopted by the MD for the MD convention in Newcastle - as a District we are leading the way in this use of technology.

Finally can I remind clubs that as soon as they appoint their new officers for the 2023-24 year they will need reporting on myLCI. Can you also please let me know your officers so that I can keep my spreadsheet up to date.

District Treasurer Report – Tim Hanton 

The Finance Committee has met regularly during the year to monitor the finances of the District. Financial updates are given at each meeting of the District Cabinet. 

Final accounts for 2021-22 for both the Administration Account and Charitable Trust have been approved by the Trustees and have been examined by Gilroy & Brookes. A copy of the accounts has been placed on the Financial Information of the District 105SC website.  

Lions District 105SC - Financial Information (

COVID-19 continued to impact on the activities at a District level for the year to June 2022. From a financial perspective, this has lead to a significant reduction in expected expenditure.  

Accounts to June 22

Administration Account

Full expenditure against budget was not realised as many District Officers did not fully claim items of expenditure allowable due to a reduction in travelling and other activities as a result of COVID-19. For the second year, District has

 refunded 50% of the District subscriptions back to the Clubs.  

Reserve Funds

The end of year balance amounted to £23,126 at 30th June 2022. This includes the agreed contingency of £5,000 against a cancellation of Convention. The general reserves level is  £16,8207 which is more than sufficient to meet District liabilities for a 12 month period.  

Charitable Trust 

At 30th June 2021, the reserves for the Charitable Trust amounted to £20,436. The key items making up this balance were:

- Youth - £8,552

- Sight Camera - £7,742

2022 - 2023

Administration Account.

The year to date income and expenditure against the budget for the year has been place on the Financial Information of the District 105SC website. This link also contains the 2023-24 budget.  

Lions District 105SC - District finance (

Expenditure is running in line with the under the proposed budget for the year.  

Charitable Trust Account. 

105SC Club Donations for year to date are as follows: 



Medic Alert


Youth Account


Brain Tumour Research








DG Charity




Unicef School in a Box


Special Olympics


Activity Alliance




Korle Bu Trust




2023-2024 Administration Budget

Administration budget has been based on a membership figure of 1100 and subscription of £9 per member will be proposed by the Resolution to Convention.  

The budgeted expenditure equates to £11,670 and should this planned expenditure be fully realised, the balance will be taken from reserves. The level of reserves is sufficient to support this. 

The budget can be found on the District website, Financial information.  

Lions District 105SC - District finance (

US International Subscriptions

Please note that the US Finance department are taking a much stricter approach to any Club that is not paying any fees due. Please regularly check your statement on MyLCI and ensure that payments are made on time to avoid any issues and the possible suspension of your Club. 

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

The District now has around 40 Clubs that have converted to a CIO.  If your Club has not converted but would like to, please let me know.  

Gift Aid Reminder

Gift aid can only be claimed on pure donations – where the donor receives nothing tangible in return. The donor must be UK Tax payer and eligible to complete a gift aid declaration form.

Comprehensive guidance is offered via HMRC website:

Get recognition from HMRC for your charity - GOV.UK (

Claiming Gift Aid as a charity or CASC - GOV.UK (

Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme (GASDS) is available for cash donations of £30 or less (bucket or tin collections) and since April 2019 contactless card donations of £30 or less.  

Again, Guidance is available on: 

Claiming Gift Aid as a charity or CASC: Small donations scheme - GOV.UK (

Clubs registered as a CIO will be eligible to claim gift aid on membership subscriptions, for any member who is a UK tax payer.  

Comprehensive guidance is offered via HMRC website:

Claiming Gift Aid as a charity or CASC - GOV.UK (

The process for claiming gift aid on subscriptions and GASDS is very easy to administer and well worth claiming. 

Other matters

It is recommended that donations to LCIF and other International/National donations continue be made via District Treasurer.  Where possible, please make the payments electronically for both any Charity donations and also for District, MD & International Subscriptions, as this will reduce our bank charges. The monthly exchange rate for International subscriptions is updated on the 105SC website under Financial Information.  

Charity Commission website guidance on managing your charity can be accessed via the following link on the Government website

Online services for charities - GOV.UK (

There are updated criteria for Trustee eligibility which need careful consideration period to the appointment of your Trustees.  

Health & Safety - IPDG Brian Donovan

Decisions Required of Cabinet:  None

Justification for Decisions: None

Objectives for the Year:

To advise on matters relating to Health and Safety.

Progress against Objectives:

As a reminder, for convenience we have split the District along the same lines as the current Zones:

'North' Zones – Brian: Donovan Zone A, B, D, E and F

'South' Zones – Michael Edwards: Zone C, G, H and I

I am not seeing much feedback from clubs and officers relating to incidents, or near misses that could have been potentially far worse, so that we accumulate a body of knowledge that would be to everyone's benefit.

Just a note that to back up a risk assessment, it is useful to have a written procedure for your clubs, zone and district events.  I will be looking at this for the proposed District Event in the planning for Marwell Zoo.

As an example I have a written procedure in the form of a 'Method Statement' for my club events (setting up gazabo and displays for Fetes, car park marshalling, Santa float etc.)  These are fairly short and useful for new members and other volunteers to read, digest and hopefully ask questions.

A new version of the MD safety manual is on its way. More to follow on this.

Convention 2023 - PDG Patrick Hamblin

Work on organising this fifth Convention of District 105SC commenced in June 2022 and has been almost continuous since that time. I have had an amazing Team to work on this Convention. It's all very well being the Convention Chairperson, but a chairperson without a good team doesn't work too well. 

In addition to the normal Convention business, an interesting programme of presentations has been arranged, together with entertainment and dinners on both Friday and Saturday evenings and further presentations on Sunday morning. 

I hope that all attendees enjoy this Convention.

Convention 2024 - PDG Jarvis MacDonald

Zone Chairs Reports Project Portfolios