Resolutions and Nominations

The following resolutions have been received for consideration at Convention 2023.

Resolution 1: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

The District Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2023/24 shall be in the sum of £9.00 per Lion. This shall be payable in two equal instalments - £4.50 per Lion by 1 August 2023 based upon the known membership as at 30 June 2023 and £4.50 per Lion by 1 February 2024 based upon the known membership as at 31 December 2023.

Explanatory note:

Article VIII Section 1 of the By-Laws of the latest issue of the District 105SC Constitution States:

"To provide revenue for approved district projects and to defray the administrative expenses of the district, Cabinet shall table a resolution at every Annual District Convention to set the per capita levy for the following fiscal year.  If such resolution shall fail then the per capita levy for the time being in force shall be continued until changed by resolution.  The administrative subscription shall be levied upon each member of each club in the district and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual payments per club member by July 21st of each year to cover the semi-annual period July 1st to December 31st and per club member on January 21st of each year, to cover the semi-annual period January 1st to June 30th with billings of the same to be based upon the roster of each club as of June 30th and December 31st respectively……  "

Resolution 2: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

Messrs Gilroy & Brookes, Chartered Accountants of Farnham, be sincerely thanked for their services to the District in the past and the same are hereby, re-appointed as Independent Examiner to the District for the forthcoming year.

Explanatory note:

Article IX Section 2 of the By-Laws of the latest issue of the District 105SC Constitution States:

"The District Governor's Cabinet shall provide for an annual or more frequent audit or review of the books and accounts……"

Resolution 3: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

Article VI Section 2 of the District 105SC Constitution be divided into five (5) subsections to read as follows: 


Sub Section (1): The district shall have a district cabinet composed of the district governor, the immediate past district governor, the first and second vice district governors, the region chairpersons (if the position is utilized during the district governor's term), the zone chairpersons, a cabinet secretary-treasurer or a cabinet secretary and a cabinet treasurer, and such other club members as may be included in this section as amended in accordance with the amendment procedures contained herein. 

Sub Section (2): Sub Section (1) of this section above is hereby amended to include such other District Advisors, who shall comply with the requirements of subsection (4) below, as the District Governor believes appropriate for the effective and efficient management of the district.

Subsection (3): In addition, the global membership team district coordinator, global leadership team district coordinator, global service team district coordinator and LCIF district coordinator shall be non-voting members of the district cabinet. 

Sub Section (4): Each such cabinet member shall be a member in good standing of a Lions club in good standing in the district. In the event a Leo or Leo-Lion is appointed to the position of Leo/Leo-Lion cabinet liaison, the position would serve as a non-voting advisor to the cabinet.

Sub Section (5): The cabinet members listed in this section are the minimum cabinet members required. Should the district add additional cabinet members, they may through amendment of this section."

The amendment, is the addition of the wording contained in Subsection (2) above. 

AND in Article VI Section 3, delete the words "and such other club members as may be included in the district cabinet" and insert the words "and such other district advisors as the district governor may wish to be included in the district cabinet to facilitate the effective and efficient management of the district.

So that section 3 reads, 

"Section 3. 

ELECTION/APPOINTMENT OF DISTRICT CABINET.  The district governor and first and second vice district governors shall be elected at the annual convention of the district. 

The district governor shall appoint or the district shall elect by the time he/she takes office, the cabinet secretary-treasurer or a cabinet secretary and a cabinet treasurer, one region chairperson for each region (if the position is utilized during the district governor's term), and one zone chairperson for each zone, in the district, sergeant at arms and such other district advisors as the district governor may wish to be included in the district cabinet to facilitate the effective and efficient management of the district".

Explanatory note:

Section 2 is currently worded as one continuous section. Although this Section  is a mandatory section of the District Constitution (prescribed by LCI) 

(Mandatory sections of the Constitution are highlighted bright blue), 

the last phrase of Subsection (1), as written above permits it to be amended. Successive District Governors have found it difficult to manage their Cabinet with the existing wording and wish to take advantage of the flexibility of that phrase. The splitting of the section into five  subsections, as above, provides the desired flexibility. This amendment in no way changes the mandatory wording of the section. 

The amendment of Section 3 brings this into line with the wording of Section 2 above and is amending the wording of a non-mandatory section of the Constitution. This resolution will require a 2/3 majority of those delegates exercising their right to vote, to be enacted.

Resolution 4: Proposed by the District Cabinet.

This Convention resolves that:

Article IX Section 2(b) of the By-laws of the District 105SC Constitution be amended as follows: Delete the word "audited" and insert the word "examination", delete the word "audit" and insert the word "examined", so that the section reads, "A copy of the Financial Statements so examined, together with a copy of the examination report therein, shall be circulated to every Club Secretary by January 31st preceding the forthcoming Convention.


Article IX Section 2(c) be amended by deleting both occurrences of the word "audit" and inserting the word "examination" in both cases, so that the section reads, "The Governor, or Cabinet, may at any time call for an interim examination of the books, records and financial statements of the District together with an examination report thereon". 

Explanatory note:

In the UK, there is no longer a need for the District have it's books audited. This change to the District 105SC Constitution recognises that and brings the Constitution into line with the requirements of English Law. This resolution will require a 2/3 majority of those delegates exercising their right to vote, to be enacted.

Resolution 5: Proposed by the Lions Club of Westbury and Seconded by the Lions Club of Trowbridge.

This Convention resolves that:

District 105SC shall adopt the policy of Lions Clubs International regarding Leo-Lions, that current or former Leos of legal majority (18 years of age) through to age 35, who have served as a Leo for at least one year and one day may continue to serve as a Leo-Lion, thus giving a discount of 50% of District Dues.

Explanatory note:

The Policy of Lions Clubs International (LCI) is that Leo-Lions are entitled to a discount of 50% of their International Dues. If adopted, this resolution will bring the Policy of District 105SC into line with that of LCI. We all wish to see our Association grow, particularly with younger members and this is one way in which we can recognise the contribution of our Leos to our Association. It will also positively encourage them to become Lions, once reaching the age of Legal Majority. While the cost to our District is small, the benefit to our District and our Clubs is far greater. The adoption of this resolution will encourage more Leo-Lions in Campus Clubs who can further encourage their fellow students to become members, by demonstrating that Lions care about the younger generation. To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50% + 1) majority of those delegates who exercise their right to vote.

Resolution 6: Proposed by the Lions Club of Westbury and Seconded by the Lions Club of Trowbridge. 

This Convention resolves that the resolution and associated explanatory note detailed below, be submitted to the upcoming Convention of Multiple District 105 in May 2023 in the name of District 105SC:

"Multiple District 105 shall adopt the policy of Lions Clubs International regarding Leo-Lions, that current or former Leos of legal majority (18 years of age) through to age 35, who have served as a Leo for at least one year and one day may continue to serve as a Leo-Lion, thus giving a discount of 50% of Multiple District Dues. 

Explanatory note:

The Policy of Lions Clubs International (LCI) is that Leo-Lions are entitled to a discount of 50% of their International Dues. If adopted, this resolution will bring the Policy of Multiple District 105 into line with that of LCI. We all wish to see our Association grow, particularly with younger members and this is one way in which we can recognise the contribution of our Leos to our Association. It will also positively encourage them to become Lions, once reaching the age of Legal Majority. While the cost to our Multiple District is small, the benefit to our Multiple District and our Clubs is far greater. The adoption of this resolution will encourage more Leo-Lions in Campus Clubs who can further encourage their fellow students to become members, by demonstrating that Lions care about the younger generation".

To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50% + 1) majority of those delegates who exercise their right to vote.

Note: It is believed that the proposing Club will be requesting Convention's permission to withdraw this resolution.