Post Convention
Minutes of the 4th Lions 105SC District Convention held on Saturday 4th March 2023 at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Pembroke Road, Portsmouth PO1 2TA
- The convention was chaired by District Governor Dave Ebsworth DE
- The convention was called to order at 9.05am by SAA PDG Jarvis Macdonald (JM)
- The Health & Safety briefing was given by JM
- DE welcomed all attendees to the convention & introduced International President Lion Brian Sheehan BS to open the convention virtually.
- The Convention was officially opened by BS
- DE proposed a vote of thanks to the International President and confirmed that a note of thanks had been sent to him.
- The flags of United Kingdom & Lions Clubs International were already on stage, the first verse of the British & Danish National Anthems followed by the Lions song were sung.
- DE introduced the guests & the principal officers.
- DE recognised Past Council Chairmen, Past District Governors, Cabinet Officers & First-time attendees at a District convention.
- Zone chairman John Shepherd read the Lions Mission Statement followed by one Purpose & one Ethic.
- All attendees stood for the remembrance ceremony where the following Lions who had passed to higher service were remembered with a minutes silence. The poem Afterglow – Poem for remembrance was read by JM.
Lion Alan Southam – Wareham
Lion Christine Adam – Henley on Thames
Lion David Fowler – Loddon Valley
PCC Lion David Hitchins – Reading
Lion Nigel Ricketts – Westbury
Lion Tony Lomax – Woodley & Earley
Lion Christian Penny – Bradford 0n Avon
Lion Barrington Burdett – New Milton
Lion Nicholas Branch - Alton
Lion Colin Smith – Jersey
Lion Maurice Watson – Swindon
Lion Jennifer Thorn – Hayling Island
Lion James McGregor – Helen Keller Lions (ex-Portsmouth)
Lion Paul Hallet – Trowbridge
Lion Denis Pierce – IOW Newport
Lion Anne Lippitt – Wimborne & Ferndown
Lion George Johns – Basingstoke
Lion Rodney Duckett - Devizes - A short break was held to allow partners to leave the convention if they wished
- Convention was called back to order by JM who gave a report on attendance and read good luck messages to the DG and a letter from the representative of King Charles 3rd
61 delegates registered representing some clubs. - DE invoked the standing orders and informed convention that there was no tail twister this year.
- The minutes of the 2022 convention were proposed as a true record by DE and agreed by convention
- The report of the CNRO PCC John Goodchild JG was proposed and a call for nominations of the host club for the 2024 District Convention was made – JG
- JG explained the business and voting procedures & then followed by explaining the election process.
- Candidate for District Governor PDG Lion David Taylor (DT) was proposed by Lion Debbie Clark on behalf of Gillingham, Mere & Shaftesbury Lions Club and seconded by PCC Lion Peter Burnett PB on behalf of Wimborne & Ferndown Lions Club. DT then addressed convention.
- Candidate for 1st Vice District Governor Lion Sandra Manktelow (SM) was proposed by Lion Clive Midson on behalf of Petersfield Lions Club and seconded by Lion Mark Cooper on behalf of Fleet Lions Club. SM then addressed convention.
- Candidates for 2nd Vice District Governor were proposed –
Lion Tim Hanton TH was proposed by Lion Andy Goffin on behalf of Wokingham Lions Club & seconded by Lion Mike Kennedy on behalf of Woodley & Earley Lions Club. TH then addressed convention.
Lion Diane Hopkins DH was proposed by Lion Rex Sinden on behalf of Basingstoke Lions Club & seconded by Lion Mark Cooper on behalf of Fleet Lions Club. DH then addressed convention.
All the candidates were thanked by DE - The reports of the DG team, District Almoner, Admin Team & Finance Committee were proposed en bloc by PB. Carried by delegate vote.
The accounts for 2021-22 were proposed by District treasurer Lion Tim Hanton (TH) and agreed by convention. - CNRO JG introduced the convention resolutions and procedure
Resolution 1 –
This Convention resolves that: "The District Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2023/24 shall be in the sum of £9.00 per Lion. This shall be payable in two equal instalments - £4.50 per Lion by 1 August 2023 based upon the known membership as at 30 June 2023 and £4.50 per Lion by 1 February 2024 based upon the known membership as at 31 December 2023."
Proposed by TH Seconded by IPDG Brian Donovan BD and agreed by convention - Resolution 2 –
This Convention resolves that: "Messrs Gilroy & Brookes, Chartered Accountants of Farnham, be sincerely thanked for their services to the District in the past and that they be, and the same are hereby, re-appointed as Independent Examiner to the District for the forthcoming Year."
Pam White PW Bournemouth & Christchurch Lions asked why no other company is considered. TH answered that this was not necessary as they are examined by a different staff member every year and that there is no cost to the District. PW followed up with asking why other companies have not been approached and asked to provide a free service. Linda Picton as previous treasurer answered that this was not necessary as the service we receive is very professional, PID Howard Lee (an accountant) stated previously that for a charitable organisation such as ours it is not necessary to change accountants, this is the guidance we follow.
Proposed by TH Seconded by BD and agreed by convention. - Resolution 3 – Proposed by the District Cabinet
This Convention resolves that:
Article VI Section 2 of the District 105SC Constitution be divided into five (5) subsections to read as follows:
Sub Section (1): The district shall have a district cabinet composed of the district governor, the immediate past district governor, the first and second vice district governors, the region chairpersons (if the position is utilized during the district governor's term), the zone chairpersons, a cabinet secretary-treasurer or a cabinet secretary and a cabinet treasurer, and such other club members as may be included in this section as amended in accordance with the amendment procedures contained herein.
Sub Section (2): Sub Section (1) of this section above is hereby amended to include such other District Advisors, who shall comply with the requirements of subsection (4) below, as the District Governor believes appropriate for the effective and efficient management of the district.
Subsection (3): In addition, the global membership team district coordinator, global leadership team district coordinator, global service team district coordinator and LCIF district coordinator shall be non-voting members of the district cabinet.
Sub Section (4): Each such cabinet member shall be a member in good standing of a Lions club in good standing in the district. In the event a Leo or Leo-Lion is appointed to the position of Leo/Leo-Lion cabinet liaison, the position would serve as a non-voting advisor to the cabinet.
Sub Section (5): The cabinet members listed in this section are the minimum cabinet members required. Should the district add additional cabinet members, they may through amendment of this section."
The amendment, is the addition of the wording contained in Subsection (2) above.
AND in Article VI Section 3, delete the words "and such other club members as may be included in the district cabinet" and insert the words "and such other district advisors as the district governor may wish to be included in the district cabinet to facilitate the effective and efficient management of the district.
So that section 3 reads,
"Section 3.
ELECTION/APPOINTMENT OF DISTRICT CABINET. The district governor and first and second vice district governors shall be elected at the annual convention of the district.
The district governor shall appoint or the district shall elect by the time he/she takes office, the cabinet secretary-treasurer or a cabinet secretary and a cabinet treasurer, one region chairperson for each region (if the position is utilized during the district governor's term), and one zone chairperson for each zone, in the district, sergeant at arms and such other district advisors as the district governor may wish to be included in the district cabinet to facilitate the effective and efficient management of the district".
Proposed by JoG seconded by SM and agreed by convention. - Resolution 4 - Proposed by the District Cabinet.
This Convention resolves that:
Article IX Section 2(b) of the By-laws of the District 105SC Constitution be amended as follows: Delete the word "audited" and insert the word " examined ", delete the word "audit" and insert the word "examination ", so that the section reads, "A copy of the Financial Statements so examined, together with a copy of the examination report therein, shall be circulated to every Club Secretary by January 31st preceding the forthcoming Convention.
Article IX Section 2(c) be amended by deleting both occurrences of the word "audit" and inserting the word "examination" in both cases, so that the section reads, "The Governor, or Cabinet, may at any time call for an interim examination of the books, records and financial statements of the District together with an examination report thereon".
Proposed by JoG seconded by SM and agreed by convention. - Resolution 5 - Proposed by the Lions Club of Westbury and Seconded by the Lions Club of Trowbridge.
This Convention resolves that:
District 105SC shall adopt the policy of Lions Clubs International regarding Leo-Lions, that current or former Leos of legal majority (18 years of age) through to age 35, who have served as a Leo for at least one year and one day may continue to serve as a Leo-Lion, thus giving a discount of 50% of District Dues.
Proposed by PCC David Firth DF on behalf of Westbury Lions club seconded by Richard Lovelock of Trowbridge lions club
DF outlined the issues at Westbury where some of the older members of the Leo Club are now becoming of an age to join Lions. DF encouraged clubs to consider a Leo club in their area to assist with the club activities, arrange their own events and be used as a potential source of younger members in our clubs. We should offer a 505 discount as they do not have substantial income at that age.
Christine Asquith of Fareham Lions spoke against the resolution as they felt it was not inclusive to other young or under-privileged potential members. DF responded that this was asking the District to fall in line with International. Laura Roberts Fleet Lions reminded that there is already a discount for student membership, this was backed up by LP.
The resolution was carried by a majority vote (4 against) - Resolution 6:
The proposing club asked 'conventions permission to withdraw this resolution. Agreed by a majority vote (1 against) - The zone chairperson reports taken en bloc proposed by JoG. All the zone chairs stood to be recognised. Reports agreed by convention.
The reports of the club development, communications, community services, international relations, LCIF & youth committees were proposed en bloc by PB Agreed by convention - DE introduced a previous project from District 105d – Mason the Districts hearing dog.
Kevin his handler outlined what Mason had achieved during his work with Hearing Dogs he also introduced two other hearing dogs. There are 900,000 people who are profoundly deaf in the UK, 1 in 6 people have some sort of hearing issues, it takes an average of 5 years for someone to ask for help from their GP.
Hearing dogs cost about £45,000 for training and support during their lives.
Mason is a very calm and reflective dog, he is unfazed by any noises or scenarios.
During his training they introduced him to many different experiences including staying at dog friendly hotels, visiting London and other cities.
Mason was used a training dog to assist other dogs with the introduction to the training venue.
Mason is now based at the training centre and provides an essential service.
Kevin thanked the Lions of our District for providing the funding for Mason. - A comfort break was held for 22 minutes
The attendance report was unchanged. - Lion Linda Picton LP the District Childhood Cancer Officer introduced the guest speaker Steve Bailey an ambassador from Naomi House Hospice
LP informed us that Childhood cancer is one of our global causes. 4500 children or young adults are diagnosed with cancer every year, every day 7 young people hear the words 'you have cancer!'
There are 4 different treatment areas in the 105SC district, the Southampton unit treats from birth to 18 years.
A film was shown about the work of the Teenage Cancer Trust.
We could make a difference by funding books for newly diagnosed sufferers, sponsor care at £25 an hour, fund a life changing weekend or purchase equipment for a childhood cancer unit. - Steve Bailey gave a presentation on Childhood Cancer & the Naomi House Hospice.
He outlined the work of the Hospice helping families and children with life limiting or life changing diagnosis'.
The hospice is situated at Sutton Scotney near Winchester.
There is a second Hospice also run by the same organisation which is for older young people – Jack's Place.
The two hospices are linked by a bridge. Naomi house has been modernised recently and now enjoys state of the art equipment.
The charity needs £8 million a year to cover running costs.
LP reminded that District 105d with an LCIF grant provided £110,000 to help start Naomi House
JuG confirmed that we as a District have continued to support the Hospice.
Lion Heather Blackley proposed a vote of thanks to Steve Bailey & LP for the presentation. - DE introduced our International Guest PID Lion Per Christensen PC
PC then addressed convention.
LCI has been talking about change for the past 20 years but very little change has actually happened.
If we don't change, we could no longer exist in twenty years.
We have a lot of projects, but we need new members to continue our activities.
Covid 19 has meant that some volunteers gave up and have not been replaced.
Ask people what their interest is, don't ask them if they want to be a member, then use their interests to set up projects, then eventually ask them if they want to join.
If we want attract younger people we need to show them it equals a quality time. Do we seem to be interesting to a passer-by?
Get new members involved as soon as possible, make them feel that they are making a difference.
Do not get hung up with titles especially past titles.
PC challenged attendees to decide where they want the District to be in 12 months' time.
New younger members must be given the space and time to try things, do not use the 'We tried that 20 years ago' line, do not discourage them trying things or they will soon leave.
We need to dramatically change to maintain our organisation.
PC then asked for questions
Pam White – Bournemouth & Christchurch suggested that their younger members have different lifestyles and need different things eg. the evening meetings don't work for them. They also feel that younger members cannot afford to join. PC agreed that a group of friends of Lions who will assist the club rather than join the main club. There is a club in Oslo who hire a professional babysitter to look after the children of younger members whilst they attend the meeting. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.
This discussion continued on Sunday morning - Zone chair Lisa Rust proposed a vote of thanks to PC
- JM gave an updated attendance report and notices
The ballot boxes will close in 20 minutes
Attendance still unchanged. - LUNCH
- Convention was reconvened by JM at 13.42 – apparently attendance was still unchanged!
- The District 105SC Young Ambassador Candidate was introduced by Lion Yorky Tuke YT
- Young Ambassador Jasmine Folkes JF addressed convention
JF outlined her extensive community work in Southampton.
She also informed convention of her experience at the MD Young Ambassador weekend.
DE thanked her & awarded JF a DG certificate of appreciation & a Gold certificate for Young Leaders in Service
Her younger sister Rosina was also awarded a YLIS Gold certificate. - DE then thanked and awarded YT a DG certificate of appreciation for all his hard work acting as the Young Ambassador Officer for a number of years.
YT is standing down from this role at the end of this Lions year to be replaced by Heather Blackley. - Lion Marilyn Robson introduced guest speaker Pauline Walker BEM PW
- PW addressed convention about her work with The Electric Eels
There are only 30 swimming clubs in the country for Downs Syndrome children.
The Windsor Electric Eels club is a competitive club and they do attend competitions, unfortunately since Covid the number of volunteers to help run both the clubs and competitions has dwindled.
Convention was shown a video of the work of the Windsor club.
The Club has been awarded the Queens Award for voluntary services in 2018, they are Swim England's team of the year & Pauline was awarded the BEM for her 33 years working with the club.
They also have a synchro team which is learning new skills from normal swimming. They are the only Downs synchro team in the UK so any competition is expensive as it involves European travel.
Convention was then shown a video of Vivian one of the solo synchro swimmers in the team and a video of her team synchro performing at the opening of Reading Palmer Park leisure centre. - ZC Paul Allaway proposed a vote of thanks to PW for her presentation
DE presented PW with his pin and thanked her. - Lion Jo Hamblin gave a presentation on the Reading Lions 'Lions Den'
This is a Lions community grant scheme where local groups present to a panel of the Lions Club members asking for grants of up to £750.
Over the years the club has donated £52389 to over 80 community projects.
JH outlined how the event works for Reading Lions.
JH is willing to share the how to guide with any club interested in running such an event. - DO Lion Ann Huntley AH gave a presentation on LCIF
AH gave a presentation on the work of our Foundation.
She emphasised that grants are only made where a Lions club can oversee the expenditure.
She reminded convention that clubs can apply for grants for items in their own communities.
A film was shown on LCIF.
£22000 raised for the earthquake appeal in Turkey by clubs in our District. - DO Lion Eric Warner EW gave a presentation on ROAR
EW informed convention about the effectiveness of the ROAR initiative.
A video on the ROAR 2023 launch was shown to convention.
The District needs more participants, the website is - DO Lion Dianne Hopkins gave a presentation on New Voices
DH and two of her officers Heather Blackley & Geoff Curtis made a presentation on the effectiveness of New Voices.
It is for Lions of any amount of service who feel that they are not heard within their clubs.
It is about getting newer younger members to get involved and have an effective voice.
The four areas of influence are service, leadership, membership and marketing.
DH asked zone chairs to invite the New voices team to zone meetings. - Lion Steve Taylor ST gave a presentation on the Jersey Lions Maison des Landes Hotel for the disabled
Since the Covid lockdown the hotel has been refurbished at a cost of £3.85 million and reopens in June/July 2023.
It is the only hotel on the Channel Islands which caters for people with disabilities and their carers.
The hotel started 60 years ago, and the Lions have been involved for the majority of that time.
The Hotel works with other community disability projects to work together for holidays.
The hotel is now staying open for 11 months a year as a community hub with many facilities including treatment room, hydrotherapy pool and access to the garden.
ST asked clubs to talk to networks in their communities who could benefit from a break at Maison des Landes.
DE asked ST to outline the work of the club following the two disasters in one week, the fishing boat sinking where 3 people were killed and the explosion at the block of flats where 12 people were killed. Jersey Lions gave £5000 to the appeal which was matched by the MD foundation. Many families have lost their homes and have had to be rehoused, the donations from the Lions help these families start again. - A short comfort break was had although most Lions ignored the work short!!
- DO Judith Goodchild introduced the winners of the District Competitions and awards –
Bill Field Sight Cup – Hart Lions club
Leo Plumley Award for Community Service – Henley-on-Thames Lions Club
Colin Rickman Award for youth activities – Hayling Island Lions club
The Nixon Award for community Service – Reading Lions
David Ebsworth Award for the Environment – Hook & Odiham Lions Club
David Firth Award for ROAR – Farnborough Lions Club
Barrie Richardson Travelling Lions Award – Loddon Valley Lions Club
Ian Birch membership award – Fleet Lions Club
Peter Allen Environmental Photographic Award – Clive Midson of Petersfield Lions Club
John Greenaway Award for International Activities – Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions Club
The presentations were made by DE & PC
Annie Ebsworth presented DE with a 30th Wedding Anniversary medal to celebrate his 30 years of dedicated early morning tea making. - DE announced the election results
District Governor 2023-24 – Lion David Taylor
1st Vice District Governor 2023-24 – Lion Sandra Manktelow
2nd Vice District Governor 2023-24 Lion Dianne Hopkins
DE asked for permission to destroy the ballot papers – Carried
Thanks to PCC Stewart Sherman-Kahn, PDG Pete Dilloway & PDG John Chambers for counting the votes. - Annie Ebsworth introduced the guest speaker from her charity of the year Mandy Barter MB
- Mandy Barter CEO of My Cancer my Choices made a presentation on the work of the charity
MB thanked DE for talking so openly about his cancer and treatment.
MB is herself a breast cancer survivor, she wanted holistic treatment and acupuncture to help her cope but it was only available at the local hospice.
She started the charity in 2015 and now has a team of 30 volunteers assisting with various treatments
The treatments reduce stress, improve mental health and have many other beneficial effects.
The top three symptoms people approach them with are anxiety, sleeping difficulties and pain.
75% of the people receiving treatment would not have done so without the charity.
The charity has given over 6500 face to face treatments and 60 6 to 8 week courses.
The funds we have given up to now have funded 368 treatments up to now. Annie Ebsworth donated a cheque for £7357.42 - 1st VDG Elect SM proposed a vote of thanks to MB
- DE & PC awarded the following International & DG Awards
LCIF certificate of appreciation to Ann Huntley
LCIF certificate of appreciation to IPDG Brian Donovan
International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation to Lion Barry Haynes
International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation to Lion Peter Tabb
District Governor Certificate of Appreciation to Lion David Rose
District Governor Certificate of Appreciation to Lion Francis Bond
International Presidents Medal to Lion Jo Hamblin
Rachel from the Holiday Inn received a bouquet from the DG for all her assistance in a successful weekend
Melvin Jones Awards were presented to Lion Tom Sayers & Juliet Browne
DE awarded a certificate of appreciation to PC for his work at the recent ALLI in Sarajevo
De awarded PC with a donation to LCIF from the District as a thank you for attending our convention - DE & Annie presented PC & Lena with a gift as a personal thank you
- PDG Patrick Hamblin PH presented the 2023 convention Host committee and Convention thanked them for their hard work.
DE presented a District Governors certificate of appreciation to each member of the organising committee. - The Convention Flag was presented to DG elect David Taylor for the 2024 convention
DT informed convention that he hopes to hold the 2024 convention at the Hilton by Doubletree in Swindon
He also thanked PH for all his hard work as convention chair for the past three years.
JM will act as convention chair next year. - AOB
DE invited the DG team to present to convention following their successful election
A video presentation about the MD Convention in Newcastle & the International Convention in Boston was shown
DE made a presentation to Annie of a certificate of appreciation along with a bouquet of flowers
SM as GST co-ordinator announced that the District fun day is going ahead
BD as IPDG congratulated DE on his successful convention and amazing year. - JM made some final announcements
Dinner is 7pm for 7.15pm
Safe journey home - Convention took part in Last Night of the Proms
- Convention closed at 4.40pm
Peter Burnett
District Secretary